Maintaining Your Portable Oxygen Concentrator: Tips for Travelers

February 15, 2024

For individuals relying on oxygen therapy, portable oxygen concentrators (POCs) are invaluable, especially when traveling. Ensuring your device is in top working condition is crucial for a worry-free journey. Whether you're navigating air travel or exploring new destinations, maintaining your FAA-approved oxygen concentrator can enhance your travel experience. Here are essential maintenance tips and travel advice to keep your portable oxygen concentrator functioning flawlessly.

Regular Maintenance Checks

Keep It Clean: Regularly clean the exterior of your oxygen concentrator with a damp cloth to prevent dust buildup. Avoid harsh chemicals or detergents, as they can damage the device's surface.

Filter Care: Most portable oxygen concentrators have external filters that need periodic cleaning or replacement. Refer to your device's manual for specific instructions—typically, a rinse under warm water every week will suffice.

Storage Smarts: When not in use, store your concentrator in a dry, dust-free environment. Extreme temperatures can affect battery life and device performance, so choose a cool, ventilated space.

Preparing for Air Travel

Battery Preparedness: FAA regulations require that your POC's batteries last at least 150% of the total flight time. Charge all batteries before departure and consider carrying spares, especially for long hauls or layovers.

Device Documentation: Always have your concentrator’s FAA approval certificate and a prescription from your healthcare provider when traveling. Airlines may request to see these documents at check-in or boarding.

Airline Coordination: Contact your airline well in advance to inform them of your need to use a portable oxygen concentrator on board. Each airline has its own policies, and early communication can help smooth the process.

On-the-Go Care

Protective Case: Use a protective case or a travel cart for your POC, especially while navigating through airports. This can protect the device from bumps and scratches and makes it easier to transport.

Avoid Moisture: Keep your concentrator away from water and high humidity environments. Moisture can damage the device’s internal components, affecting its efficiency.

Regular Inspections: Even while traveling, keep an eye on your concentrator’s performance. Listen for unusual sounds, and monitor the device for any error messages or alerts.

Trouble-Free Travel Tips

Know Your Destination: Research your destination beforehand, especially if traveling internationally. Not all countries have easy access to technical support or replacement parts for your specific POC model.

Local Resources: Identify local medical supply stores or services at your destination that can support your portable oxygen needs in case of an emergency.

Backup Plan: Always have a contingency plan, such as the location of the nearest hospital or clinic that can provide emergency oxygen therapy if needed.


Maintaining your portable oxygen concentrator is key to ensuring safe and enjoyable travels. Regular care, combined with thoughtful preparation for air travel and on-the-go considerations, can help avoid disruptions to your oxygen therapy. By following these tips, travelers can rely on their portable oxygen concentrators as faithful companions on their journeys, ensuring they can explore the world with confidence and ease.

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